Tough Mudder 2016: Team Mudhatter
On August 7, 2016 our very own Tough Mudder team came together to complete the Tough Mudder course together. The course included 20 kilometers, 20+ obstacles, 500,000 gallons of mud, 40 tons of ice, and more, but every team member finished the course as one. We took aside participants after the course to talk about their experience and how you can prepare for future Tough Mudder courses! Continue scrolling for individual interviews, videos of the course from a GoPro perspective and more photos.
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Tim Davis
1) How did you prepare yourself for the Toughmudder? Most of the training I did was cardio. I typically ran 5 miles 3 – 4 times per week for the last 3 months to prepare.
2) How has doing the Toughmudder brought you together with your coworkers? In order to complete Tough Mudder it is essential to work as a team. Giving and getting encouragement from everyone that day was really cool. It definitely strengthened the relationships between all the people who completed.
3) Will you do it again? Why or why not? Definitely! It was a real personal challenge to prepare and make sure I was ready and then the day of the race is really awesome. Everyone worked together to get through. We gave lots of assistance to other teams and received lots of assistance from other teams. I can’t think of many events that I have participated in that give you a sense of comradery amongst our peers as well as complete strangers.
4) Any advice for those thinking of doing Toughmudder? Prepare. Don’t underestimate it.
5) What inspired you to participate in the Toughmudder? The team sessions that we have done with MGI Consulting were really rewarding but not physically challenging. It seemed like a great way to stay fit and do something as a team.
6) What one or two things in training did you do in training that were keys to your success during the race? Cardio
7) What was your favourite part of the course? Mud Mile because when you came out of that obstacle you were covered head to toe in mud and there is absolutely no way that you could complete that obstacle without the assistance of not only your team but anyone else who was within reach of you while you were in the pit. That was a team effort amongst anyone who happened to be in the obstacle at the same time. Least favourite? Electroshock Therapy – I think it’s obvious!
8) Anything else you’d like to add? Anyone who wants to physically and mentally challenge themselves to do something that they would never otherwise do should sign up for Tough Mudder. It’s a great way to overcome challenges with a built in team atmosphere to help you through it.
1) How did you prepare yourself for the Toughmudder? 3 months of crossfit training at Elevation Fitness working on core, strength and stamina.
2) How has doing the Toughmudder brought you together with your coworkers? The excitement we all shared leading up to and the comradery during the event has and will ensure more than just a work relationship.
3) Will you do it again? Why or why not? Absolutely! The challenge to get myself into shape and to personally challenge myself will keep me coming back.
4) Any advice for those thinking of doing Toughmudder? Train ahead. Although it is not a race it is a challenge not to be underestimated.
5) What inspired you to participate in the Toughmudder? Tim Davis instigated the process and once started, the personal drive to do the best I could kept me motivated.
6) What one or two things in training did you do in training that were keys to your success during the race? Running the hills in Kin Coulee and the various upper body workouts the gym kept us doing.
7) What was your favourite part of the course? Really enjoyed all obstacles. Did not have a least favorite.
8) Anything else you would like to add? Thanks to Davis GMC for allowing this opportunity and I feel blessed to work at a shop that supports the staff at this type of event.
1) How did you prepare yourself for the Toughmudder? Went to the gym, crossfit, etc and had a good nights sleep the night before.
2) How has doing the Toughmudder brought you together with your coworkers? Well, we learned where all extremely tough and together we can do anything!
3) Will you do it again? Why or why not? Yes, because I love a challenge! I had a lot of fun with the challenges, team building and everything,
4) Any advice for those thinking of doing Toughmudder? Don’t be a smoker and don’t have purple hair!
5) What inspired you to participate in the Toughmudder? I have always wanted to do a marathon, so when Tim offered to enter anyone who wanted to do the Tough Mudder on a Davis team I had to join!
6) What one or two things in training did you do in training that were keys to your success during the race? Strength based training was my focus, so I need to work on more cardio for the future.
7) What was your favourite part of the course? The mudmile and Arctice enema were my favourite!
8) Anything else you would like to add? I can’t wait for next year!
1) How did you prepare yourself for the Toughmudder? We as a team trained here at work, but I mentally prepared at the event.
2) How has doing the Toughmudder brought you together with your coworkers? We all worked as a team to help each other over obstacles.
3) Will you do it again? Why or why not? Absolutely! It’s a fun challenge with everybody helping each other.
4) Any advice for those thinking of doing Toughmudder? Train and mentally prepare yourself for a hard, enduring challenge.
5) What inspired you to participate in the Toughmudder? The fun that a challenge can bring to you and be able to say that you did it.
6) What one or two things in training did you do in training that were keys to your success during the race? Having encouragement, doing cardio and upperbody were key in these challenges.
7) What was your favourite part of the course? Meeting lots of people who help total strangers out so everybody can complete the course.
Jason Whitrow
1) How did you prepare yourself for the Toughmudder? Drank a lot of beer
2) How has doing the Toughmudder brought you together with your coworkers? After almost a year working for the company.
3) Will you do it again? Why or why not? Of course I’ll do it again, it was a lot of fun and I’m definitely looking forward to doing it again next year.
4) Any advice for those thinking of doing Toughmudder? Don’t prepare for tough mudder by drinking a lot of beer lol
5) What inspired you to participate in the Toughmudder? Felt like trying to do something new and Tim offered to bring us all so why not.
6) What one or two things in training did you do in training that were keys to your success during the race? Literally the only real training I did was running everyday but I’ve been doing that for years now.
7) What was your favourite part of the course? Mud Mile 2.0 was my favorite because it was by far the most interesting obstacle there aswell as it was cool to watch everyone helping each other out regardless if they knew eachother or not, Balls to the Walls was least favorite because it was too boring. climbed up a short rope, over the wall and climbed down the rope on the other side and you were done.