
Tom Petty knows how to wow his customers!!

Do yourself a favor and add Tom Petty to your bucket list!



I know I should be blogging about cars and such but last night my wife Taneill and I attended the Tom Petty concert in Calgary. The show was just excellent! I have never watched a more gracious performer. Hey, I’m a sucker for live entertainment so I tend to like something about every live event I attend but Tom Petty offers something different. Not only does this guy tear up his timeless classics like Running Down a Dream, Mystic Eyes, and Learning to Fly, but he clearly appreciates every last person who shelled out $100 or more to see him play. During and after nearly every tune he plays, he walks around the stage with his arms outstretched gesturing his appreciation for our appreciation. His lyrics are thoughtful and reflect situations we can all recall ourselves going through at one time or another in our lives. In my opinion, Tom petty is a classic example of how everyone should treat their customer. Give them everything you’ve got, wow them and provide value for the money they spent with a sincere thank you and appreciation for having the opportunity to show off your talents!

Wouldn’t it be nice if for just one moment…everything was all right?   Tom Petty, Mystic Eyes