Mike Schritt | Parts Manager

Why I work here:

Great people to work with and great customers.

My Number One goal to the customer:

To provide solutions to your automotive problems.


Redcliff, AB.

My Family:

My wife Sherry and daughters Megan and Sarah.

My current ride:

2011 Acadia and a 1979 GMC Sierra Classic.

My mentor:

My dad. His actions always spoke louder than words.

If I could witness any event – past, present or future – it would be:

To see my daughters’ births again. They were the proudest moments of my life.

If I could learn to do anything it would be:

Understand women.

The #1 most played song on my iPod:

iPod? Did I mention I drive a 1979 GMC?

My favourite quote:

“Do, or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda

If I could know the answer to any question it would be:

How do you know when it’s time to tune your bagpipes?

How you can get a hold of me:

Read my customer reviews here:

Dealer Rater Reviews Mike Schritt

This video shows what I live for!